Soul Winners In Action

Where: New Delhi, India
When: TBD
What: Preaching the Gospel and encouraging the Church of Northern India.
Who: Rocky Mountain Outreach alumni.
Deadline: TBD
Giving Opportunity:
Brothers and Sisters,
I am sharing an opportunity with you that I’ll ask you to pray about and consider supporting. Onward For Christ is in process of purchasing two thousand Good & Evil comic books for our ministry outreach in Delhi, India. We have been working this opportunity for several months. The translation is complete, and printing has begun. Because of the persecution of the churches in the area (one church was attacked during worship time, the pastor and his son beaten with clubs, several jailed for weeks) the churches are being forced underground to some degree and evangelism is very difficult. These G&E books will serve the underground evangelism effort and the plan is to get them to as many churches in the area as possible. We have agreed to purchase 2000 books at a cost of 2 dollars per copy. Simply, I’m asking you to pray and as God leads you to support this effort. Currently we are receiving donations at PO Box 173 Lucerne, CO, 80646. We are confident of God’s provision through his people’s generous support. Thank you for your consideration!
Contact Ben Sargent or Elliot Shupe if you are interested in attending.