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”Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”

   Matthew 28:19

Would you like to spend a week this summer with the Onward for Christ team fulfilling the Great Commission ?

Where: Greeley, Colorado


When: June 7th-14th


What: Tract distribution, Door-to-door witnessing, Surveys, Street Preaching, Homeless Ministry, Music, Backpacking, Hiking!


Who: If you are a follower of Christ who wants to see His name glorified and the Gospel go forth, this is for you!


What You'll Need: 

1. Check the gear list on the last slide of the presentation or on the application to make sure you're prepared to stay warm and dry while we're camping.


2. Operations fee of $325 per person due upon arrival in Colorado. This helps cover the costs for camp ground rental, transportation, AirBnb rentals, and most meals for the team. We have worked hard to keep this as low as possible to provide maximum availability to all who will attend.


3. You will need around $175 for lunch money. As we will likely be split while witnessing, you'll need to bring lunch money for the trip and any snacks/water you'll want along the way.


4. Don't worry if you have never done anything like this before, or if any of this feels way out of your comfort zone. As the body of Christ we each have unique gifts and talents, and every member is critical to the success of the mission, whether it is the person in front of the crowd preaching or the guy in the back praying. 


If you have a heart to see people transformed by Jesus, we have a place on the team for you! For more information see the slideshow below!


*if you are an alumni and are interested in returning please contact Elliot directly.

Elliot Shupe


Ben Sargent


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